ClickCease Transform Lives, Empower Teams | ActionCOACH Case Study

Game changing process that has transformed the owners lives and enabled the team to do much more.

Danny shares how he spent his evenings and weekends doing the important but not urgent things (working ON the business) because his days were filled with the important and urgent things (working IN the business).

Now, an understanding of what is important and why has allowed the development of a systems framework that ensures everybody knows what the vision of the future looks like and what has to be done to get there. Regular meetings, good communication and effective delegation now means the team can deliver the important and urgent leaving the owners to create and deliver the desired future.

Video Transcript

Couldn’t recommend it enough. It’s been an absolute game-changer for us. You know, it’s improved our work-life balance, it’s freed up time and yeah, it’s taken the pressure off, and it’s been great to have a sounding board.

My brother and I had got to the point where our business had grown a lot in recent years. The number of staff, especially over lockdown, and that was putting some kind of managerial challenges at the top. Yeah, late nights, a lot of weekend work, all the important stuff. I was kind of knocking into the evening to try and complete it and rather than doing it in the daytime when I was dealing with the sort of urgent stuff. Partner will testify certainly. Yeah, it was put in a strain, and we’ve recently moved out. So all that. It had its challenges. Definitely.

So we took out the services of Action Coach to try and assist with that. I think it’s the consistency. Well, it’s certainly the framework around Action Coach, but it’s also having sort of a mentor as well to kind of lean on a little bit. Especially when it’s sort of myself and my brother, and we’re sometimes on different sides of the business completely. It’s a time for us to regroup, get on the same page and kind of address whatever we need and the critical stuff and ease us through it. That’s one of the main benefits, Matthew, not just on a business level but on a personal level as well. We set out the weekly goals but that, like I say, doesn’t just limit itself to work but it’s personal as well. Yeah, and that’s been one of the biggest focuses since we started working with Action Coach we had a workshop early on and it’s setting out where we want the business to be in the next three and five years. So that really helps focus our minds on the long-term stuff. Yes, do make sure we achieve what we’re doing fortnightly and then we regroup quarterly to just see where we’re at and make sure we’re on track. It certainly does hold us accountable.

The biggest changes, I would say are focusing on touching base with management staff frequently every week. Management SAS summit. As reports on how the week’s gone, we meet up regularly. We can address any issues. We can speak about what opportunities, and their successes and that’s really helped, and I think that’s brought the management team closer together. What we’ve done was important is we mapped out where we were spending our time and that enabled us to appropriately delegate based upon the skills or who is the right person for the job. It is in a much more structured position, like, say, having an Action Coach there to use as a sounding board and to ask for some frameworks or systems to help just build a solid foundation has been really helpful. Jay and I feel like we less own a job and more own a business now through using Action Coach. So that’s been a massive benefit. My partner certainly has. Think she was happy to know that I’ve got somebody to speak to, not just her to relay our pressures on sometimes.

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