ClickCease Coaching Accountants: How Mullan & Co Achieved Growth
Clarity and Direction: How Coaching Transformed Mullan & Co Accountants

In this insightful case study, Rob Mollen, director of Mollan & Co Accountants, shares how coaching with Matthew has brought clarity and direction to his business.

Rob discusses the challenges of having numerous ideas without a clear plan and how coaching has helped him implement effective strategies. Over six months, Rob has seen the benefits of new processes and systems, experiencing increased accountability and discipline.

The coaching has not only impacted Rob personally but also begun to positively influence his staff, demonstrating the far-reaching benefits of strategic coaching.

Watch the video and read the transcript to learn how expert guidance can transform your business practices and drive success.

Video Transcript

Well, my name is Rob Mullen. I’m director of Mullan & Co Accountants. The benefits are really more of a clarity of thought as far as where we’re going with the business. That’s really where I see the benefit. When Matthew and I first met, one of the issues I had was having lots and lots of different ideas, but not really a clear a plan as to how to achieve those ideas. And that’s really where the coaching has come in and we’re seeing the benefit.

I think the next important step is really looking to determine how the processes that we’ve implemented so far are starting to deliver. And I think on any journey you look to implement new processes, test and measure, and I think that’s where we’ll be looking at over the next few weeks and months. I think at the moment it is relatively early days. I would say it’s only six months since we’ve been working. So, there’s probably been, if anything, maybe a little bit more work on my shoulders to kind of not only do the day job but also take on a lot of new ideas and new systems that Matthew and myself have discussed.

As a business owner, one of the most important things I find from coaching is having that sense of responsibility, a kind of objective to complete a certain task in a certain time frame. Being the boss, I don’t really have anybody challenging me to get particular things done. And so, it’s very much dependent on being self-disciplined. So having the coaching experience does certainly assist on that.

Yeah, I think as far as the coaching experience is concerned, not only is the benefit to me personally in the business, but some of the ideas and some of the techniques that I’ve learned, we are now starting to pass on to staff, and staff are now kind of benefiting almost second-hand by the coaching that we’ve had over the last few months.

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