Digital Marketing Tools and Tips
Digital Marketing Tools and Tips As you consider shifting your marketing to more digital formats it is important that you know the basics. Setting budgets, creating compelling ads and refining target audiences are all very important to ensure you get the best results for your ads.
Make Your Business Resilient to Economic Downswings
Make Your Business Resilient to Economic Downswings Why some businesses thrive while others implode during economic downswings remains a puzzle to many business-owning entrepreneurs. Often, they mistakenly assume that all businesses must suffer through recessionary cycles. In reality, some companies are essentially recession-proof, and it’s not necessarily because they are bigger, better-known, or more generously…
Crisis Communication Tip Sheet
Crisis Communication Tip Sheet Once you recognise a crisis is forming, get ready for action and establish a communication plan. This checklist is designed to help you create and execute a communication plan for both internal and external audiences.
A Pandemic Business Checklist
A Pandemic Business Checklist This article is meant to be a simple checklist to review and consider during times of challenges, specifically for the Covid19 Pandemic which is affecting global operations in 2020. It’s a simple 10 step checklist written by Douglas J. Winnie & Bradley J. Sugars who are accomplished authors, speakers, and global…
Information on Furlough Leave
Information on Furlough Leave Under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, once this comes into force, all UK employers will be able to access support to continue paying part of their employees’ salary for those employees that would otherwise have been laid off (or made redundant) during this crisis.
Business Pivot Checklist
Business Pivot Checklist These are fast-paced, daily changing times when the business owners worldwide are experiencing never-seen-before conditions and facing mandates that require them to structure their business and teams differently, engage their customers more creatively and reallocate resources in an unprecedented time.